Business Telephone System Sales and Service
We can set you up with a reliable new business telephone system.
Clearlines can customize a business telephone system that suits your needs and provide you with the training required to take full advantage of every feature.
When setting up a new office telephone system, we consider:
How many people in your organization will require phones?
How many incoming phone lines will be needed?
Whether you would like voicemail or auto-attendant features?
Whether you anticipate any future growth that may affect your communications needs?
Are there any remote offices?
Is the office space already wired with voice and data cabling?
We have a variety of business telephone systems available and offer no-obligation sales consultations and quotations within our service area, (Vancouver, South Burnaby, Delta, Richmond, and South Surrey) and on-site maintenance and repairs. We can even co-ordinate your new telephone service with your local dial-tone provider.